Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
[PW Substack] Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2024

[PW Substack] Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2024

A careful reading of the Oct. 2 solar eclipse chart and beyond. Plus STARCAST.

This is Planet Waves on Substack. In-house Core, Astrology and Galaxy subscribers may find this page in your My Account area. — efc

Autumn in the Love Canal neighborhood. Photo by Eric Francis.

A Word About Next Week’s Eclipse in Libra

Dear Friend and Reader:

After looking at the chart for Wednesday’s eclipse for months, and looking at the world, and noticing what’s happening, I think I understand what this is about. My take is that the theme of this eclipse is addressing the abuse of the concept of “victimization.” This is also about the abuse of trust and goodwill.

We see this everywhere. A Course in Miracles makes some reference to it on just about all of its 1,300 pages: the notion of victimhood is the cornerstone of a worldview, and a world, built on guilt and fear.

Only claim to be a victim and someone invokes immediate sympathy, legal protections and a diversity of options to utilize legal power, righteously or not. People bow, curtsy, genuflect and throw money into the basket.

Implicit in this is, “What if it’s me next time?”

Meanwhile, this whole arrangement seems to have no bearing on whether people do evil, negligent or mean things to others. We need a concept other than “victim” to describe the recipients of such behavior. And whether or not there are victims in some absolute sense, I’m talking about the conscious abuse of the concept.

This includes the dismissal of one’s own role in creating a situation, which is another way of negating the power of decision. Speaking about any meek hint of the mere notion of personal responsibility will get one accused of being a Republican.

The Moon and Sun are conjunct (to the degree) a very strange point called the Black Moon (the osculating lunar apogee), which goes to this theme. I had previously delineated the Black Moon as “the thing about women that other women distrust.”

However, while that comes close, I observe it to be something much wider in scale.

I’ve learned to be extremely cautious of those who build their identity on being a victim. It is a game. And as Melanie Reinhart once explained, in the “drama triangle,” the most convent way out of victimhood is to become a “perpetrator.” (Then the “rescuer” becomes the next “victim.”)

Achtung, baby. More on the forthcoming Planet Waves FM.

With love, from the shores of Lake Ontario,

Planet Waves Libra Horoscope for October, 2024

Other signs below paywall. Announcement for Libra Astrology Studio will be coming soon. I promise!

LIBRA — A solar eclipse in your birth sign may come with some pressure, a feeling of fate, and a sense of too-fast movement. Yet there are few better invitations to improving your life in every way. The eclipse is a moment of forgetting and of remembering. There’s a shift in continuity, and an interval of possibility. A shadow is cast across the Sun, and also the Sun’s illumination as it falls on Earth. So you might say that in various ways, you get to see things in a different light. And that different light is just what you need to make sense of the world and your place in it. This is no time to have a fixed viewpoint on anything, especially yourself. A diversity of long-range influences are calling you into a whole new sense of your being. From there, you will see the world much closer to how it is rather than how it appears. This is a time of gathering those who have similar values to you, who resonate with you both emotionally and intellectually. Then there is the matter of sexual resonance. This is an evermore distant notion for people as we become electrified by digital frequencies and soaked in artificial hormones. Yet there is still a deep current of emotional, hormonally vivid sexual awareness running through humanity. If you allow yourself to be drawn in its direction, you will leave behind your family’s limited ideas about existence and find the energy to open up in ways you never imagined possible.

There are high-quality affordable, accessible and motivating readings for everyone at the Astrology Boutique. Tap the banner to visit… where do you begin? Try anything. We will work with you if you have not purchased the exactly right thing for you.

About My Horoscopes

My horoscopes offer ideas for how to think about the flow of your existence. I have devoted my life to service and creation — not to survival — and that is what I offer and teach. You have many other options for self-help, though that’s not what I’m offering. My work is more tuned to the wavelength of self-creation, and how to make the most of your potential in these trying times of human history.

This Week’s Photos

I’ve been exploring my old territory in Western New York lately, and this week’s photos are a few postcards from my trip. I’ll have more to share in words in the new Planet Waves FM that will come out before the Libra solar eclipse/New Moon. Several of the photos, the ones featuring Greek-style columns, were taken at Baird Point on the North Campus at the State University of New York at Buffalo. There is more about Baird Point here. A few photos were taken at the Love Canal site in Niagara Falls, a kind of opposite scene. I have many more new photos; until those are published, you can see my work from last year on this Substack.

The Awakening: Your 2025 Readings by Eric Francis – presale for 12-sign audio/written option now available.

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Planet Waves Monthly for October, 2024

by Eric Francis Coppolino

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