
[PW Substack] Your monthly horoscope for March 2025 by Eric Francis.

Today's hot, Pisces-themed edition includes Planet Waves TV (for everyone), plus a new article and horoscope for subscribers. Thanks for being or becoming one. See you Saturday with Book of Blue.

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Daybreak in the Path of Annlarity — Valencia, 2005. Photo by Eric Francis.

This Week’s Photos — Solar Eclipse in Valencia

Today’s ocean-themed images are of the Mediterranean Sea. When I lived in Europe, I took every opportunity to travel. In October 2005, I went to Valencia in southern Spain to see an annular solar eclipse. Well, it was low on the horizon, and it’s not always possible to see an annular, but the photos are still beautiful. I’ve been digging through photos from the early phase of my digital photography career and these long-missing images came up. The series ls called Daybreak in the Path of Annualrity. Here is the Wikipedia page for the eclipse.

Planet Waves TV above discusses the lead article at the top of the Planet Waves Substack, which is also in the home feed (My Account). If you’re seeing this, it’s in your email or will be in a second. — efc

Photo by Eric Francis.

Hello, Pisces Sun + Rising (Scroll down for other signs.)

The other day I randomly opened the book Working Days: The Journal of The Grapes of Wrath to the entry where John Steinbeck was about to finish the novel. He was a Pisces, of course, and that tells us a lot about him and about astrology.

Steinbeck was up to the closing scenes and sick to his stomach, which he knew was a matter of being on edge. “I only hope it’s good,” he scribbled in pencil. “It simply has to be. Well, there it is, all of it in my mind. And I hesitate to get to it. Maybe I’m afraid I can’t do it. But then I was afraid I couldn’t do any of it. And just day by day I did. So that is the best way to finish it. Forget that it is the finish and just set down the day by day work.”

We might use this as a parable of the last stages of both Saturn and Neptune in your birth sign. It’s also a parable of moving through the fraught world we’re now living in, where I think it’s more important to do what you must do rather than what you want to do. By must, I don’t mean what seems to be demanded of you by your material circumstances. Rather, I mean what is shaking you from the inside, your soul’s calling, and the core necessity of your existence. Such is not to be confused with a luxury.

Yours is the sign not of karma — the accumulated results of actions — but rather of dharma — your understanding of your existence which drives your sense of commitment and necessity from an inner place. You will know you’re there because it’s the exploration not of the same old, but rather of unfamiliar and even daunting territory.

Click or tap — or see video below.

Preview for Astrology Studio in Pisces

This is the first 15 minutes of an hour-plus reading focusing on events in Pisces plus Saturn and Neptune moving into Aries. My readings are good thearpy and will help you get oriented in our chaotic times. You may find this and much else at the Astrology Boutique. There are many previews and other features to keep you entertained and enlightened.

Aquarius Astrology Studio is now available for instant access. Preview available.

Do you need spiritual or emotional support? Are you feeling lonely, lonely, alienated or afraid? I offer are high-quality affordable, accessible and motivating readings for everyone at the Astrology Boutique. Tap the banner to visit…there is plenty there for free…lots of samples; you could explore the site for hours. Where do you begin? Try anything, such as a reading for your Sun or rising sign. We will work with you if you have not purchased the exactly right thing for you. Just get in touch…Planet Waves is staffed by people who read your emails and return your phone calls promptly. — efc

I explain this week’s charts in STARCAST/Planet Waves TV. Here is the link to The Family Hunger Game article.

Audio and written previews for The Awakening - the astrology I cover beings NOW…check it out. Dive into the free previews of the written and audio readings.

About My Horoscopes

We are in strange and intense times — characterized mostly by chaos and deception. It’s fair to ask “why do we need astrology?” My best answer is that it’s a way to see patterns and make some sense out of not just strange events, but also to get a better look at your possibilities. I’m here to bring the world a little closer into your reach and take the edge off of the fear.

I see my role as an astrologer as providing reassurance, and also seeing what cannot be easily seen from our limited viewpoints. This is about working with archetypes, cycles and patterns, and it takes practice to see them. I’ve been writing my horoscope for nearly 30 years, starting in the spring of 1995 — my anniversary is May 1. In all, I’ve written about 2,000 of these columns, which means about 24,000 individual entries. And it’s still fun and exciting to do.

I stand in the tradition of the British horoscope column (and have written for the Mail and the Mirror, as well as the New York Daily News). I was called to the work in the early 1990s by Patric Walker, who demonstrated that astrology is real. Over the years I have developed my own approach. Each entry for each sign is a little world of its own. I challenge the standard notions of what the signs are about, defining them my own way (which I advance every year when writing the annual edition).

I use about 50 different planets, centaurs, asteroids, Pluto-like objects and special points, and weave the story of our lives from my understanding of the charts for the current week and the current season.

Here is the story of how I got into the work.

Monthly horoscope for March by Eric Francis

ARIES Sun + Rising

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