Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
[PW Substack] Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 7, with Starcast
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[PW Substack] Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 7, with Starcast

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Krakow, 2007. Photo by Eric Francis.

Planet Waves Scorpio & Sagittarius for Nov. 7, 2024

Other signs below paywall. Scorpio Astrology Studio has been released and is available for instant access.

SCORPIO — The best way to deal with the fear of consequences is to meet the issues head-on. You will likely discover that your fear was taking up more energy than actually resolving the issue. The universe, including the highly complicated material plane, offers bonus points to those who are proactive; to those who take initiative. Stay ahead of all of your situations, and keep spin control on your message to anyone who may be concerned. Once you decree that the buck stops with you, you claim the power from nearly anyone who would hold anything over you. This finds additional information in Mars retrograde later this month, which takes place in your career angle — though if I may give you an assignment, dust off your most recent CV or résumé, read it a few times, and ask yourself if there is anything you want to do that you have not yet done.

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If ever there was a time when you could feel cosmic love — the actual love of the cosmos — it could be right now. If there was ever a time you could call for help from spiritual agency and have it respond, that would be right now. Without going too deep into mythology and astronomy, what we think of as ‘the universe’ has a distinctive feminine expression right now. We live in an infinite cosmos which can manifest many ways, but right now, it’s a feminine presence and it might respond to the name Elbereth, Varda, Tintallë or Gilthoniel. They are all the same benevolent entity, a bringer of light, and the kindler of empathy and of healing. Say those names out loud, slowly. Her role is to ensure that the stars and the planets are where they belong. This translates to your personal stars and planets. Call on her if you need her.

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Sagittarius Studio: Fire Sign Theater

I’m about to do your Astrology Studio for Sagittarius. This will be an exciting edition, mainly looking at all the energy coming to the fire signs the next two years — especially incredible activity in Aries, you’re most creative and dynamic angle.

Yet for many reasons this will be a VERY exciting time for you — including the revolutionary Uranus coming to your relationship house. How do you handle that? How do you ride that lightning? Well, as a great swami once wrote, “Only truth is erotic.”

And you’ll be under the influence of both Mercury retrograde — in fire signs. Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius, and nothing says “become your own drummer” like that.

Preorder begins today; delivery in about one week (early).

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About My Horoscopes

My horoscopes offer ideas for how to think about the flow of your existence. I have devoted my life to service and creation — not to survival — and that is what I offer and teach. You have many other options for self-help, though that’s not what I’m offering. My work is more tuned to the wavelength of self-creation, and how to make the most of your potential in these trying times of human history.

The Awa introduces the events of 2025 and catches up on the astrology leading to them. This eBook is the “reference reading” for The Awakening readings and is delivered now with any preorder.

Photo by Eric Francis.

Planet Waves Weekly for Nov. 7, 2024

by Eric Francis Coppolino

Pluto Enters Aquarius; Mercury and Mars Retrogrades Forthcoming

Pluto is about to make its third and final ingress into Aquarius on Nov. 19. Despite its somewhat long 248-year orbit, it’s unusual for an outer planet to make three ingresses into a new sign. usually there is just one retrograde back into the prior sign.

Even Sedna, with its incredible 11,400-year orbit, had only made one retrograde back into Taurus when it entered Gemini to stay back in June.

However, with Pluto entering Aquarius, it made two retrogrades into Capricorn, the last of which was in September. This last little spell in Capricorn just grazed the last degree before turning to direct motion one month ago.

The Hall Pass

I viewed this unusual phase as a “cleaning up old business” hall pass for activities related to Capricorn. For many this is likely to continue. Pluto in Capricorn has churned up quite a lot of dust and debris and it will be a while before it settles.

Notably, the 2024 election was also held with Pluto in Capricorn.

Pluto makes its final ingress into Aquarius on Nov. 19, where it will remain until first reaching Pisces on March 8, 2043. It will take the usual nine months to make its final ingress into Pisces on Jan, 19, 2044.

Inner Planet Retrogrades

We’re about to experience overlapping Mercury and Mars retrogrades. Mercury turns to retrograde motion at 22+ degrees of Sagittarius on Monday, Nov. 25. It entered its echo phase earlier this week.

Mercury stations direct on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 6+ Sagittarius.

By then, Mars will already be retrograde; that begins Dec. 6. with Mars at 6+ Leo (exactly conjunct the United States north node and opposite its Pholus — that will stir the pot). Mars is retrograde just shy of 10% of the time, and happens once every two years. The whole process, end to end, takes about five months, though the actual retrograde takes about two months.

This retrograde will begin in Leo and end in Cancer. It ends Feb. 23 with Mars at 17 degrees of Cancer.

The most interesting feature of this Mars retrograde cycle is that it will make a series of squares to the Chiron-Eris conjunction. These aspects will also stir the pot. Bookmark that topic — I will do a special edition on both Mercury and Mars retrogrades soon.

Photo by Eric Francis.

ARIES Sun + Rising

What does creative mean? I think it has a lot to do with living with enough imagination to have one day be different from the next. It means living in a way that is flexible enough to allow new ideas to come through. An element of passion is involved, and the drive to create what you want — and the moxie to do it. That does not describe how most people live in our time, which is becoming robot-like. With Mars taking up residence in your 5th house of pleasure and play, your psyche is sending you the message that it’s time to be free from the patterns that have governed you for so long. Humans are becoming like computers faster than they are becoming like us. The message of your astrology is that it’s now time to derail this process in service of remaining wholly human.

My desk in Brussels, in a little studio where I took a lot of great photos. One of the best times of my life, 2005-2007.

TAURUS Sun + Rising

When you allow someone to influence you, that’s a form of vulnerability. This is not your strong suit. It’s much easier for you to bend social reality around you without saying that’s what you’re doing. Because people care how you feel about them, you have quite a bit of influence. Yet at the moment, you may feel like someone wants to defer to their feelings and needs, or at least their desires. How do you feel about this? If you’re feeling any earthquakes or tremors, count that as an overreaction. You might not want to signal that you’re too flexible (which could come across as commitment or devotion). And what if? What if you presented yourself as easy, as cooperative, and as yielding? Would that be a sign of weakness? You can afford to relax. It’s not so bad. Since you only respect powerful people, you might enjoy experiencing their power.

Here is a sample — Iris was my star model in Brussels.

GEMINI Sun + Rising

If someone thinks you did something wrong, such as at work, fix the problem without admitting that you or anyone was wrong. The idea here is not to be right; the goal is to get the job done. Hence, blame is irrelevant, and taking responsibility is the essence of the matter. Don’t be shocked if nobody much besides yourself cares, or doesn’t seem to care. If you take persistent, consistent interest in outcomes on the work front — that is to say fixing problems and meeting tangible goals — you will move up in the world. Also there is this idea that the people who are the most successful are the ones who do what they love. I think the opposite is equally true if not more so: the secret key to success is loving what you do, whatever it happens to be.

CANCER Sun + Rising

This is a deep and beautiful time of year for you. It’s not just the poignant, darkening days (here in the Northern Hemisphere). Something deeply empathic, almost telepathic, opens up in your emotional body. You can feel the passage of time, and you taste the meaning of existence in a way that is fleeting each year, but has been a constant through your time on Earth. If you can go with these feelings, if you can enter them deeply, you will draw much energy up from nature. Therefore, stay connected to your nature and to the natural world. Watch closely as the season changes, and smell the air, and notice the quality of light as it touches the ground. The beauty of life is its transient nature, and it takes both awareness and courage to be present for that. But it’s worth it.

LEO Sun + Rising

You can never really feel secure on our planet except if you make peace with change. Yet the most significant kind of shift and movement that people resist is within themselves. That might be the feeling of, “No matter how insane the world gets, I’m going to remain the same.” While there is something admirable about consistency of character, I am talking about something else, which is allowing your feelings to flow through you. You are also entitled to review and revise your opinion about who you are and what you’re doing here. Mars has arrived in your sign, and will soon shift to retrograde motion. You may find yourself wanting something (or someone) one day, then reversing your view a little while later. You can listen to and feel your desires, without being attached to them. And at the moment, you don’t have to make any decisions. It’s better if you wait.

VIRGO Sun + Rising

Keep your focus on your home life. This will come naturally, with Mercury and Venus keeping you company. The secret key to Virgo is that your spiritual grounding is in your domestic situation. Make your home a beautiful place where you feel like you belong. If you have the space to set up a meditation room or devotional area, you might find that to be a satisfying creative project — especially if you view it as such, and not as a magical thing. The idea is that the physical space you dwell in has an effect on your consciousness. The images and objects present serve as reminders, and what changes is your awareness. This always works better for you within your own four walls than it does as something you travel to and visit for a while. The practice of personal, domestic spirituality dates back to the earliest remnants of civilization.

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LIBRA Sun + Rising

Sometimes you’re able to tap into another dimension and receive information that’s not coming from your mind or from anything you previously knew. This can be a little spooky sometimes, as if you become a channel to a higher dimension. That’s what your solar chart is hinting at now. It’s almost as if you can slip into another being, closer to the core concept of who you are. All you need to do is relax and tap into your wisdom. It’s there, if you ask, and if you’re open to it. One way you can tell you’re into that space is that conflict seems less meaningful, or nonexistent, or it starts to unravel. This is the one and only reason to take thought processes or discussions to a new level. Every genius has said the same thing — you can’t solve a problem using the ideas that created it. You need something else, and now you can have it.

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SCORPIO Sun + Rising

The best way to deal with the fear of consequences is to meet the issues head-on. You will likely discover that your fear was taking up more energy than actually resolving the issue. The universe, including the highly complicated material plane, offers bonus points to those who are proactive; to those who take initiative. Stay ahead of all of your situations, and keep spin control on your message to anyone who may be concerned. Once you decree that the buck stops with you, you claim the power from nearly anyone who would hold anything over you. This finds additional information in Mars retrograde later this month, which takes place in your career angle — though if I may give you an assignment, dust off your most recent CV or résumé, read it a few times, and ask yourself if there is anything you want to do that you have not yet done.

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If ever there was a time when you could feel cosmic love — the actual love of the cosmos — it could be right now. If there was ever a time you could call for help from spiritual agency and have it respond, that would be right now. Without going too deep into mythology and astronomy, what we think of as ‘the universe’ has a distinctive feminine expression right now. We live in an infinite cosmos which can manifest many ways, but right now, it’s a feminine presence and it might respond to the name Elbereth, Varda, Tintallë or Gilthoniel. They are all the same benevolent entity, a bringer of light, and the kindler of empathy and of healing. Say those names out loud, slowly. Her role is to ensure that the stars and the planets are where they belong. This translates to your personal stars and planets. Call on her if you need her.

Coming soon.

CAPRICORN Sun + Rising

There is part of you that knows. It is, however, unlikely to be the voice that speaks first. It will never disrupt or shock you. The best translation of what you’re listening for is “the still, small voice within.” In the words of one sacred text, it “speaks as loudly as you are willing to listen.” So this puts the necessity for attention onto you. This and this alone is the heart of the spiritual path. Yet this presence is not something alien to you; it is you, and will feel familiar and comforting. More than anything, it will never lead you to fear. Its purpose is to lead you out of fear, into a place of physical and emotional safety. And it’s very strong right now, though you will need to turn your attention toward it rather than away. Set your worldly concerns aside for a moment, and listen in silence.

Coming Soon.

AQUARIUS Sun + Rising

For a cool, detached Aquarius, you sure do have strong feelings. The current emphasis of your charts is what you want to achieve, though this seems to be bringing out a competitive streak in your nature. I strongly suggest you guide this away from any fixation on others and toward what athletes call their personal best. Your life is not about anyone else, and theirs is not about you. Nobody’s greatness diminishes you, and any diminutive feelings you have about yourself do not serve anyone. Therefore, aspire first to quality, and second, to doing a little better than you did last time. Not everyone needs this. However, I suspect that you need to get out your competitive urges one way or another — and not on anyone else. More than anything, you want to be recognized for your talent. Listen closely, with your heart open, and you’ll find what you’re after.

Your astrologer.

PISCES Sun + Rising

The best thing for you would be a dinner party of close friends. For some people this is easy; for some, the isolation and non-locality of the digital realm seem to make it difficult or impossible. Do what you can, and see if you can recruit a little support for the project. The concept might be something like leave your phone in the car. Close friends might result in a guest list of anywhere from one to five. So start with one and see how that feels. One of the greatest losses of the digital age is sharing food with others. Another is the willingness of people to make a commitment, even for something so ordinary. Yet commitment is part of friendship, and nobody is as busy as they say they are. Existence is still driven by desire. That’s the quality you’re feeling for in a friend. They must really care.

Visit The Boutique — New from Planet Waves. Excellent products for all 12 signs and rising signs, all subscription options, chart casting service, personal consulting and more. Note, I’ve scrapped most ads around the horoscope to make room for more photos. You will find what you’re looking for, including tons of audio previews, by tapping the banner below.

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