Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
Your Monthly Astrology for June 2024, with STARCAST

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Your Monthly Astrology for June 2024, with STARCAST

From the edge of a cliff over the extended reading from your friendly neighborhood astrologer, Eric Francis.

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Block Island. Photo by Eric Francis.

The Edge of a Cliff, Over the Ocean

Dear Friend and Reader:

There is an aspect in today’s Sagittarius Full Moon that describes the transitional nature of our moment beautifully. Venus, Jupiter and Neptune are aligned in a nearly-impossible aspect pattern.

From left to right, they are Venus, Jupiter and Neptune.

The Full Moon is a divinatory moment, and we get something to consider here. When planets have a 29 next to them, they are getting ready to change signs. So this chart describes the transitional nature what we’re living through, long-range and short.

These points all move at radically different speeds. Venus moves faster than the Sun sometimes; Neptune can move more slowly than Pluto. Jupiter chugs along one sign per year. Yet in the Full Moon chart, they all seem to pause in acknowledgement of one another, right before they take up their new signs. (For Neptune that beings next year.)

Planets in the very last degrees of their signs are called “anaretic,” and are sometimes referred to as void-of-course. There is no certainty at all with anaretic planets, and the sense of being on the edge is palpable from moment to moment.

These are all emotional, sensual and creative planets, associated with Taurus and Pisces, located in those two signs; both are feminine signs; there is a need to balance feminine energy right now, though it may feel like doing the tree pose next to the edge of a cliff over the ocean.

You don’t have much choice but to breathe and keep your balance.

With love,

GEMINI Monthly for June 2024. Other signs below paywall.

Your life is changing in many ways, and one example is how your social circle is rearranging itself. There is one thing you don’t like, which is to be unpopular. However, this sometimes keeps you from being real. You are excellent at gliding along the surface of social interactions and you know when to do your disappearing act. However, current aspects and placements are urging you to be somewhat more self-assertive and take the risk of pissing people off — not for its own sake, but because “polite company” is no excuse for you not to be real. Thankfully you have an excellent sense of humor and retain your persuasive charisma nearly all the time. So you more than most people can afford to be a little gritty and sand the varnish off of things that you can see and that other people find aggravating. One role of those born under your sign is to speak for the collective, which is not something you need to do consciously. Rather, you seem to open your mouth and randomly blurt out what everyone already knows but is afraid to utter.

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