Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
[Planet Waves on Substack] Your Weekly Astrology for May 16, 2024, with STARCAST

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[Planet Waves on Substack] Your Weekly Astrology for May 16, 2024, with STARCAST

Today's edition is centered on the Sun conjunct Jupiter and tracks the Sun and Venus heading into Gemini. We're about to have a LOT of Gemini — check your sign, and check STARCAST for the overview...

Note to Readers — This is Planet Waves on Substack, a great place to subscribe or return to the fold. However, if you’re an in-house Core, Backstage or Galaxy subscriber, you can find your horoscope and this week’s article in your My Account area on the Planet Waves website. Just click and log in — that’s subscriber central. It’s all there. Thank you for your business and your trust. — efc

GEMINI weekly horoscope for May 16. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are about to enter your birth sign or rising sign. The rest of the horoscopes are below the paywall.

Your life is changing in many ways, and one example is how your social circle is rearranging itself. There is one thing you don’t like, which is to be unpopular. However, this sometimes keeps you from being real. You are excellent at gliding along the surface of social interactions and you know when to do your disappearing act. However, current aspects and placements are urging you to be somewhat more self-assertive and take the risk of pissing people off — not for its own sake, but because “polite company” is no excuse for you not to be real. Thankfully you have an excellent sense of humor and retain your persuasive charisma nearly all the time. So you more than most people can afford to be a little gritty and sand the varnish off of things that you can see and that other people find aggravating. One role of those born under your sign is to speak for the collective, which is not something you need to do consciously. Rather, you seem to open your mouth and randomly blurt out what everyone already knows but is afraid to utter.

Coming soon!

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