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Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
In today’s off-schedule edition of STARCAST, I begin talking about an article from 1999 that shows what different times we were in: by which I mean that some optimism was possible. There was an idea we might solve some of the world’s problems rather than merely be swallowed by them.
Now is not the time to give up living, on your plans for the future, or making the world a better place in small ways. Now is the time to live with creativity and gusto.
We’re in the vortex of an annular solar eclipse in Libra (chart below; I wrote about this event late last week as well). Think of an eclipse as a wide whirlpool where ideas and experiences that are first caught at the edge, and then are drawn closer to the central focus. Presently, we are not quite at the edge; not quite at the center.
This Eclipse says LISTEN
What is the core issue? The eclipse is opposite asteroid Siwa — that means listen. Vital information will come through sound of all kinds, whether of voices, music, amient sounds and others.
While Saturday’s eclipse is in Libra, the event is ruled by Venus (that means that in the game of astrology, Venus ruler of Libra, describes all that is in that sign). Venus is in Virgo, the sign of integrating mind and body/emotions.
Venus makes a trine to a group of planets in early Capricorn (the angle is not sown in this chart); you can see the little green thing with a flag on it at 05 Capricorn to the left. This is about integrating and letting go of ancestral material.
And it says Think For Yourself
Mercury opposite Chiron is a reminder that the smartest kids don’t usually sit at the front of the classroom. Often, the smart kids in school end up being the conformists, not the original thinkers. True intelligence does not play the game, or better said, playing the game is not a sign of true intelligence. It is a sign of something else.
Much more in the podcast. I am planning to be back tonight with Journey Without Distance, my Course in Miracles-themed spiritual podcast.
With love,
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