Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
[Planet Waves on Substack] Your extended weekly astrology + STARCAST for August 15, 2024

[Planet Waves on Substack] Your extended weekly astrology + STARCAST for August 15, 2024

This week's horoscope is based on the Aquarius Full Moon, plus Mars and then Venus mixing it up with the Jupiter-Saturn square, and ongoing Pholus and Ceres square the lunar nodes.
Early morning at Vinny's Farm Stand in Saugerties, NY. Photo by Eric.

Note to Core, Astrology or Galaxy Subscribers — This is Planet Waves on Substack, a great place to subscribe or return to the fold. However, if you’re an in-house Core, Astrology Pass or Galaxy Pass subscriber, you can find your horoscope in your My Account area on the Planet Waves website. Just click and log in — that’s subscriber central. It’s all there. Thank you for your business and your trust. — efc


Resources Promised in STARCAST

I begin STARCAST with a brief roundup of “pandemic”-related news. Monkeypox is back! Rebranded “mpox” and said to be a global outbreak that nobody has.

Then there was big news out of Germany: all the documents of the mitigation measures committee were provided to investigative reporter Aya Valasquez. In light of this, interviewed Christian Fiala MD/Ph.D. yesterday for PWFM. The title of the one-hour program is Pandemic Fraud Was Far Worse than Anyone Imagined. I also refer my readers to the Mark and Sam Bailey Odysee channel. And if you like to read, especially about the history of the virus issue, try Mike Stone’s

As for astrology resources, here is Venus Square Mars: A Case in Point from a couple of years ago. I also referred people to last week’s Trust Yourself followup, Trust: The Foundation. This is a talk based largely on A Course in Miracles. I’m planning a new one for Friday based on trust in relationships. Finally, here is Jealousy and the Abyss by Pennell Rock. Oh and one last — a classic, The Sacred Space of Self, about Vesta.

Vincent Neglia sets up for the day. Photo by Eric.

Art and Astrology Notes, Thursday Aug. 15

Dear Friend and Reader:

The other night I left a dome light on in my car, and drained the battery. I got it started, and whenever this happens (usually due to forgetting my police scanner is on) I drive up to Vinny’s Farm Stand, which is about 25 minutes from where I live to put a good charge on the battery. I leave it running while I’m there and drive back.

So I arrived at Vinny’s early Tuesday morning and got this week’s low-light view of the 50-year-old farm stand owned by Vincent Neglia. I’ve been using fixed-focus, fully-manual Zeiss lenses lately, though today’s photos are shot with my 16-35mm Canon L-series. The motif of my photography is wide-angle: the world in context.

Here is a Vinny’s series of pictures from last year.

Moon, Sun, Planets — Another Description in STARCAST, Above

As for the current astrology. The horoscope below is based on the aspects I’m about to tell you about. I am able to personalize the astrology by Sun and rising sign, and many people resonate with their Moon sign reading.

Mercury remains retrograde. We reach the halfway mark Sunday, Aug. 18 at 9:50 pm EDT. This is when Mercury is passing directly between the Sun and the Earth. Mercury stations direct on Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 5:14 pm EDT.

The Moon is waxing toward full phase, exact Monday, Aug. 19 at 2:26 pm EDT. Vesta is directly in the alignment, as the Sun will be a quarter-degree away from the brightest asteroid, keeper of the flame and sigil of all things Tantric. So at the time of the Full Moon, the Sun is conjunct Vesta and the Moon is opposite Vesta.

The whole arrangement is trine/sextile the Galactic Core, adding an infusion of cosmic flow and that sense of not-sure-what-it-means sublime illumination that emanates from the center of our galaxy.

Also of note, the Ceres-Pholus conjunction is exact right now — part of the five-point conjunction I am associating with Family Hunger Games. If you’re working through any family-of-origin issues, particularly involving alcohol abuse, please read that.

Jupiter-Saturn Square Engages Fully

We are now at the first peak of the Jupiter-Saturn square, which happens about every 10 years. Jupiter in Gemini is in a long, 90-degree angle to Saturn in Pisces, which lasts well into next year. This aspect comes with the “last chance” sense of desperation that is going around. The peak involves the exact meeting of the two largest planets, just a few hours past the Full Moon on Monday.

Due to the Earth moving inside this aspect, it happens three times: Monday, then Dec. 24, then again on June 15 after both planets have taken up their new signs: Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries.

Currently, Venus is in Virgo and Mars is in Gemini, which are making matters personal. If you’re wondering what you experienced Wednesday, that was Mars conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn — the full activation of the setup.

Centaur Nessus is also in the mix (the third-discovered in the group, after Chiron and Pholus) and that is raising concerns about consequences. Stay one step ahead of yourself and everyone else.

More in the new STARCAST.

With love,

Your friendly neighborhood astrologer,

Early morning at Vinny's Farm Stand in Saugerties, NY. Photo by Eric.

VIRGO weekly for August 15, 2024. Other signs below paywall.

You may want to break free of something, though first I suggest you study it from the inside. It’s not like you have to cut a fence; you’re close to whatever this thing is, and already have a good interior view of the space I’m describing. It’s a concept or idea about yourself, though there is often some physical metaphor that helps describe the astrology (which is theoretical) in a more tangible form. Notice anything that describes containment. Pay attention to your dreams for these symbols. Consider the idea of ‘holding space’ for what you want, which means actual clearing of emotional, mental and physical areas and setting a boundary. This might mean writing every morning first thing, or practicing guitar every night at 9 pm, or working in the garden every day for one hour — no matter what’s going on. There is something very important to you, and you’ll feel much better if you do something about it every day.

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Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for August 15, 2024
by Eric Francis

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